Saturday, December 19, 2009

Wow! End of class!

I finished my WebQuest on Wednesday. It really has been finished for about a week but I wanted to take time to check over everything again. I am a bit puzzled with QuestGarden though. On my standards page and my evaluation page, when looking at the WebQuest, it shows a large space in it that does not appear when I am editing it. It is so strange. So, if someone is quickly looking at it, they may not take time to scroll down to see additional information. If this happens on another one, I definitely will contact them or quite using it. My Photography students are advancing to Photo. B next semester so we will be using the WebQuest in the class by mid semester.
I have learned a great amount of information which can be applied in my curriculum and that is the reason I wanted to have my degree in Technology in Education.

Monday, December 14, 2009

At the finish line!

Well, it is almost over. I have had continued problems with my standards for my WebQuest but am going to do the best I can on those. One issue is the link is not working since it is so long. I need one more graphic and then it is off to the instructor.
I am continuing as I do research to use the delicious bookmarking site. This has been great to help me work at home and at school.
The course has been enlightening. And as in the last class, I have learned a great deal to help me in my school curriculum and in my own personal life as well.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Saturday, December 5th

My goal is to finished with my WebQuest this weekend. I'm glad I have been working on it along though as holiday festivities are interfering with my work. Not that I am busy decorating, etc. My tree is not even up nor any decorations. I want to get finished with my Lesley work/WebQuest before I begin decorating.
I have continued exploring Flickr this week. My students are going to try to upload photos on Flickr this weekend as my friend. We will see if it works. Hopefully, this will work and solve the problems of my photography students not being able to bring in CD's with their work on it, on a flash drive, etc. The negative I see so far is that parents will not be able to see the work like I want unless they go through their son or daughter's account. But, since we have to use the private setting, this will have to do. I'll let you know if it works.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Wednesday, December 2nd

Our weekend classes are completed now. I felt like the websites were all different and very good. The elementary teachers have such cute websites! My high schoolers would laugh at me if I had such a cute one though. I had "issues" with my website folder being in another folder which was titled with spaces in between the words. This must have caused a problem in uploading it. Thank goodness for the teacher solving my problems. Thank you, Kim! So now my website is up and running.
I decided to do my webquest in QuestGarden rather than Google Sites. I have been rewording some sections and entering it into the templates on QuestGarden. This is a slow tedious process as I am trying to be very careful as I go to not make mistakes. I hope to finish it this weekend. Our county website has our standards posted so I can use that address instead of the state standards website since our art standards are in the process of being rewritten. Too many issues!