Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Wednesday, December 2nd

Our weekend classes are completed now. I felt like the websites were all different and very good. The elementary teachers have such cute websites! My high schoolers would laugh at me if I had such a cute one though. I had "issues" with my website folder being in another folder which was titled with spaces in between the words. This must have caused a problem in uploading it. Thank goodness for the teacher solving my problems. Thank you, Kim! So now my website is up and running.
I decided to do my webquest in QuestGarden rather than Google Sites. I have been rewording some sections and entering it into the templates on QuestGarden. This is a slow tedious process as I am trying to be very careful as I go to not make mistakes. I hope to finish it this weekend. Our county website has our standards posted so I can use that address instead of the state standards website since our art standards are in the process of being rewritten. Too many issues!

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